Nudo. El nudismo en los medios. Nudism & media

lunes, julio 15, 2002

::: The best of British beaches (Las mejores playas brit�nicas) :::

Holkham Bay, Norfolk (Bah�a Holkham, Norfolk) Race horses often exercise here, accentuating the beach's breathtaking scale. Backed by a ribbon of pine woods, it's three miles long, and at low tide half a mile deep - just getting to the water and back is a major outing with young children. This is a place for simple activities (kite flying is popular), for invigorating walks, and, above all, for communing with nature (there is a nudist section about a mile west of the main entrance). You'll find samphire (eaten locally) in the muddy bits -hay una secci�n naturista aproximadamente a una milla del acceso principal- More information The Holkham Estate (01328 710227, No water quality results. FUENTE: The Telegraph

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