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domingo, febrero 03, 2008

Crece el yoga nudista / Yoga without clothing is a growing trend

Es una tendencia en crecimiento, Scott Lehman, responsable del Instituto de Yoga Integral en San Francisco, en Estados Unidos, señala que cada vez tiene mayor aceptación. "Le digo a la gente que cuando prueba el yoga sin ropa nunca más querrá volver a hacer yoga vestido". Este estilo de yoga tiene incluso una sección propia en Wikipedia. Quienes practican este estilo se sienten cómodos y la pregunta que suelen plantear el comienzo es la de siempre: ¿qué sucede si me excito sexualmente? No hay problema, es síntoma de que está vivo y, además, en el yoga, cada persona está atenta a sí misma, no a lo que sucede alrededor. De momento, esta práctica sólo tiene seguidores homosexuales. / DailyLobo reports: Scott Lehman said practicing yoga without clothing is a growing trend. Lehman attended the Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco until 2000. "I tell people that once you've experienced practicing yoga without clothing, you'll never go back to wearing clothing again for yoga," he said. "Naked yoga is actually becoming a very legitimate style of yoga. There's an entry on Wikipedia. If you enter 'naked yoga,' it'll give you more information about the naked yoga movement. This is the only naked yoga class in all of New Mexico, as far as I know." Lehman said most students are comfortable practicing in the nude. "The only questions I get from men usually are like, 'What happens if I become aroused?'" he said. "I'm like, 'Yeah, great. You're alive. Go for it.' People aren't looking around at all. People aren't really looking at other people."

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